Step 2 Bring Prayer/Care/Share into Your Daily Life

Additional Resources For Step 2

Prayer Care Share Chart
The prayer-care-share approach relies on God to guide us, as individuals and as parishes/ organizations, through the on-going discernment of our direction and approach to evangelization. Prayer is the most powerful tool in the world. In the prayer-care-share model, we ask God (through prayer) for direction toward “whom” He desires for our investment of time, nurturing and discipleship.  In addition to praying for the “whom”, we prayerfully trust that God will orchestrate the “how” and “what to say and do”. It is frequently said that timing is everything; it is no different in evangelization. In praying for the “what to say and do”, along with the “when”, we are literally guided through the tangled and confusing decisions of our close relationships by God Himself.

Leader’s Guide (page 11)
Continue your dive into the Leaders Guide. As a part of Step 2 we invite you to review pages 45 –  54 at your leisure.